Monthly Archives: October 2012

When Faith Hurts

Often times we paint Christ as an inclusive man, desperate for attention. He is seen as that one friend that is always available when first plans fall through. Sure, perhaps He isn’t your first choice, but it is better than spending time alone. We use our heart as the ultimate bargaining tool, and that Christ should be satisfied with the little we allot to him.

Then, in times of desperation, we transform this meek friend into a powerful politician. We recognize the competence of Jesus and his ability to transform situations. However, this change of view is still ultimately selfish. “I will vote for you Jesus, as long as you can promise me the good life. As long as you work to improve my standard of living, you will have my loyalty.” We treat God as our civil servant, who only has authority as long as we allow it.

These attitudes make us targets for apathy and, sadly, the inevitable falling away from Christ altogether. True love takes passion and trust…ideals that bring out the uncomfortable nature of our insecurities. If we can never give our allegiance to anyone, we are useless.

“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters – yes, and even his own life – he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after Me cannot be my disciple,” Luke 14:26-27

If a politician were to say those words, he would not obtain a single vote. “What do you mean hate my family and my life? You require too much.”

But Christ is using this as an example. Our love of God should be so consuming that in comparison all our other loves appear heinous. This kind of sacrifice still seems like too much to ask….unless we stop viewing Christ as our civil servant, and instead like a mountain guide.

Trekking through a mountain range is no easy feat. On my way through the Rockies, I passed through an area once referred to as “Dead Man’s Ridge” by those who dared the Oregon Trail ages ago. The weak did not make it. In order to endure, people had to be determined and also hopeful that the outcome of the coast would be worth it. So when Jesus calls out to us to follow Him and trust Him through the tough terrain of life, it is to ultimately save us. For everlasting happiness, we must put aside our present comforts.

We all go through this journey; it is those who trust in God that have a guide. Others trek and forge their own path, with no idea of what is before them or the purpose of it all. These travelers meander, stop often to self-indulge, and therefore never escape the mountains. They will never see the coast, feel the warm sea breeze, and obtain the final satisfaction of being “home.”

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Posted by on October 23, 2012 in faith, Growing up, History, Journal, love


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